#16 Clingman’s Dome, elevation 6,643 ft.
The typical experience of Clingman's Dome, the most visited of all state highpoints and the highest elevation reached on the Appalachian Trail, is compromised by hoards of tourists wheezing up the short but steep paved path to the tower, affectionately known as the Flying Saucer, erected upon it.
I saw the Flying Saucer in its foggy finery. Be prepared. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is an awesome place, but it attracts a wide cross section of tourists, some of whom look like they have not set foot out of doors (or off the sofa) in many a year. Why such people should determine to schlepp up the summit walkway is a mystery, but you can see their heaving bodies beached upon numerous benches lining the path. Let's not mention the Korean tourist I saw wonder off the pavement to get a closer video of the sow black bear and her cubs. Or the teeming parking lot, a feature celebrated in early postcards. Or the singularly uninspired architecture of the Saucer itself, whose only redeeming benefit, other than its nickname, might be as a bad example of ADA-compliant design.
Nearby Mount LeConte offers a hard but infinitely more rewarding experience. Climb it, perhaps even stay overnight in the lodge, and sneak a peak of Clingman's Dome from the Cliff Tops overlook, to the west, through binoculars, which have the effect of making the Flying Saucer look like a backyard waterslide. Some of the slideshow photos are, in fact, from my hike to LeConte Lodge, a superb mountaintop retreat and the only facility of its kind in the park. (Check out the excellent blog High on LeConte.) By all means stay overnight; to reach it I took the Alum Cave Trail, which passes through a narrow rock bridge and beneath a fabulous overhang (beware of falling ice in cold weather). My chief regret about LeConte, but happily a great excuse to return some day, is that my ascent did not overlap with the fabled llamas that resupply the lodge throughout the season.

Flying Saucers in the Fog 1
Extreme fog, the vicissitudes of tourism, and unintentional Brutalist architecture amid the dying Fraser firs.